2019年10月9日至10月14日,应喻海良教授邀请,俄罗斯Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University的Alexander P. Zhilyeav教授和Alexander Pesin教授,以及印度PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing的Puneet Tandon教授对h365手游游戏平台机电工程学院和高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室进行了友好访问和并于10月12日下午做了精彩的学术报告。
Zhilyeav教授做的学术报告题目为“Heterogeneous microstructure of FCC metals subjected to asymmetric rolling”,基于此,Zhilyeav教授还向大家介绍了EBSD工具研究超细晶金属材料的一些优点和局限性。Pesin教授做的学术报告题目为“Developing “natural” and heterogeneous composite aluminium alloys with a gradient nanostructure”,重点讲述了采用异步轧制开发梯度结构材料的一些研究进展。Tandon教授做的学术报告题目为“Incremental sheet forming at elevated temperature”,介绍了他们课题组在单点成形制备轻量化金属材料构件中的应用。这次学术报告得到了参会师生的高度评价和激烈讨论。






Alexander P. ZHILYAEV, Professor at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University and Principal Research Scientist at Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems, Russian Academy of Science. He won bachelor degree at Bashkiria State University in 1981 and PhD at Institute of Metals Superplasticity Problems, Russia Academy of Science in 2002. He has more than 200 publications in total, more than 150 ones in referred journals such as Nature, Progress in Materials Science and Acta Materialia, more than 6000 citations, Hirsch index =36 (Scopus). Now, he is the head of laboratory “Mechanics of gradient nanomaterials” of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University supported by Advanced Research Grant of the Government of Russian Federation (Mega-grant) for Outstanding Scientists for Developing Research Center for “Mechanics of Gradient, Bimodal and Heterogeneous Metallic Nanomaterials with Enhanced Strength and Ductility for Advanced Structural Applications”.
Alexander Pesin, Professor at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia. He was awarded an academic degree of “Candidate of Engineering Science” (PhD) in 1989. Since 1983, he has been a junior research associate, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”. Since 2003, he has been the director of “ChermetInformSystems” LLC, an enterprise established under the auspices of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. Since 1982, he has published more than 355 scientific papers, including 12 monographs and study guides, and 110 copyright certificates and patents of invention published. He is a member of international academic committee of some conferences such as ICTP 2014 and ICTP 2017.
Puneet Tandon, Professor at PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, India. He is the Dean of Research, Sponsored Projects & Consultancy. He was awarded bachelor degree at N.I.T. Kurukshetra, India in 1988 and Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2003. He has been working as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Design at PDPM-Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur (IIITDM), since June 2009. He has published 2 Books / Monographs, 8 Book Chapters, 100 papers in International peer refereed journals of repute, and 119 in International / National Conferences. He is fellow of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.